
Barranco d’Almadic valley circuit returning via Barranco del Bou — 1 Comment

  1. Really good walk up until the head of the Almadic valley, just below the very top of the cliffs – superb views & an amazing path right up the cliff side.
    The issue is that the path from the cliff top to meet up with the Y/W path back to Benigembla is extremely unclear, verging on practically non-existent. It does not appear to be well used so I could only see 1 cairn at the beginning & then nothing – presumably tumbled down from years of wind, etc. The other problem is that the ground is all white stones, low bushes & animal tracks so even following the GPX route I could not see where to go so ended up just walking straight up the hill from around the 6.5km mark (very easy – not steep, plenty of flat rock slabs & open areas to walk on & only very low bushes) & ended up on the Cocoll airstrip, where it was easy to follow the Y/W path down again.
    One more minor point – the pdf directions really needs to be expanded for the section from the Font at 5.6km to the top of the cliff.

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