
Castell d’Ambra circuit — 4 Comments

  1. 03-Mar-2017: Linda & I walked this Circuit today; a very enjoyable 11km walk. The ‘Elapsed Walking Times’ are fair (we are 50+) and the ‘Distance so far’ accurate on my FitBit. Lost our way once – after 6.5km where the description says ‘… and up to a main road. Turn L up this road for about 50m then R up a steep path’; we missed the Right Turn and had to scramble up for 100m or so before finding the path higher via cairns, probably because we were following the green marks on the LHS of the road.
    We will try it again when the orange blossom is out.

  2. Completed this walk today with mixed feelings. The view from the ruin is beautiful, walk is relatively easy apart from the climb to the top of the hill, which is a bit strenuous. But the amount of rubbish scattered around the orange groves and the country lanes is beyond belief. Otherwise it’s a very nice walk. Thanks for the upload, gpx file was spot on and a big help.

  3. Nice trip in the surroundings of Pego. First to the source and then to the ruins. Nice track to that. Only on the descent to Pego you can go to the left and follow the marked route. After a while you were also on the route. The original route is better. Less street and more nature.

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