
Serra de Seldetes — 4 Comments

  1. We did this one about 2 months ago. It is a lovely walk, but I found the 800m climb to the summit rather tough. The descent fron the summit was easier, but the further descent back to Gata a bit tricky in places, especially as we were getting tired!

  2. Tried this route in Feb 2018 and again this Feb (2019). On both occasions we were repelled by impenetrable scrub where the path peters out on the way up. (going clockwise) We tried the anti-clockwise path which is delightful as far as we got, unfortunately we didn’t have time to get all the way up to the ridge so can’t comment on the rest of the route.

  3. The section you refer to, leading up the broad ridge to the summit is mainly pathless. However, there are traces of path in places and the way is marked by well spaced cairns (not mentioned because hunters often remove them and so they can’t be relied upon). Concentration is required in order to locate the (cairns) best line, which as you will see on the map is generally up the crest of the broad ridge. The walk is in the Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers 2019 Spring program on Saturday 20th April. Please join us if you are able and hopefully all will be revealed. We will take that opportunity to review the description and see if it can be improved.

  4. Tried this walk this week. Although the instructions were quite detailed I’m afraid the trail doesn’t seem to exist as reported in 2017 it has become heavily overgrown and indistinguishable from wild boar trails that litter the hillside.. I guess that it hasn’t been used much and it was hard going trying to find any sign of the path and even harder to create a new path when we couldn’t see any sign of an existing path. But it was challenging and we will try it again. Hint; wear long trousers and hardy boots, the gorse is sharp and the rocks very uneven.

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